#NEW #BOOK Hide in Plain Sight
#Teaser #Excerpt
"He made a noncommittal sound and spoke against my skin, his lips brushing over my shoulder and down my arm. “Only for me.” He shoved his hand between my thighs, and I clenched my legs together, hissing in a breath as he cupped my mound, pressing with the heel of his hand against my cleft.
My body didn’t respond, I was mentally trying to bring my arousal to a higher level......."
#mystery #thriller #suspense #cybercrime
#Teaser #Excerpt
"He made a noncommittal sound and spoke against my skin, his lips brushing over my shoulder and down my arm. “Only for me.” He shoved his hand between my thighs, and I clenched my legs together, hissing in a breath as he cupped my mound, pressing with the heel of his hand against my cleft.
My body didn’t respond, I was mentally trying to bring my arousal to a higher level......."
#mystery #thriller #suspense #cybercrime

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