#Book of Fantasies BLACK
#Chapter #Excerpt
"“Now, stand up again with your legs spread far apart.” The voice was excited now, and Marley felt a wave of fear wash over her again. But as she stood in position, bracing her hands against the wall in front of her to help maintain her balance, she watched a six-inch in diameter device rise from the floor until it pressed against her pussy. Suddenly, it started vibrating, and she wanted desperately to move away; the stimu...lation felt awkward. The vibration affected her clit, her center, and her ass all at the same time. Closing her eyes, the vibration intensified to the point that her whole body shook with the way it moved through her...." #eroticbook #obedience
#Chapter #Excerpt
"“Now, stand up again with your legs spread far apart.” The voice was excited now, and Marley felt a wave of fear wash over her again. But as she stood in position, bracing her hands against the wall in front of her to help maintain her balance, she watched a six-inch in diameter device rise from the floor until it pressed against her pussy. Suddenly, it started vibrating, and she wanted desperately to move away; the stimu...lation felt awkward. The vibration affected her clit, her center, and her ass all at the same time. Closing her eyes, the vibration intensified to the point that her whole body shook with the way it moved through her...." #eroticbook #obedience

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