#BOOK #Teaser Hide in Plain Sight
"With tears nearly blinding me, I called to my kids, “I love you, Hannah. I love you, Logan. Never forget that Mommy loves you.” I lowered my arms and dropped the gun at my feet. Corbin kicked it away, sending it over the edge of the cliff.
I closed my eyes, waiting for the end, and I heard Corbin call, “You got what you wanted, Prague. Now, let the kids go, like she said.”..."
#mystery #thriller #suspense #cybercrime
"With tears nearly blinding me, I called to my kids, “I love you, Hannah. I love you, Logan. Never forget that Mommy loves you.” I lowered my arms and dropped the gun at my feet. Corbin kicked it away, sending it over the edge of the cliff.
I closed my eyes, waiting for the end, and I heard Corbin call, “You got what you wanted, Prague. Now, let the kids go, like she said.”..."
#mystery #thriller #suspense #cybercrime

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