#Chapter #10 #excerpt
"His hand reaches out and gathers up a long lock of my hair. As he talks, his fingers twirl it around his hand and he begins to slide his fingers along my neck. I shudder and fight down the urge to slide my fingers over his bare chest, which is peaking out of his open shirt. Remain calm Aubry, don’t give in to him. I repeat the words to myself over and over as he leans over and breathes me in.
I shudder as he kisses my neck, gooseflesh jumping up on my skin. His tongue traces a line up my skin to my ear where he begins to suck the lobe. I bite back the groan as liquid fire moves through my body and hits down below. I’ve craved this all day."- #fingers_twirl #athlete #sexy_chest -

Want to read more? You can get #WHITE at the links here: Amazon , Kindle, and Smashwords. It is also available on Apple iBooks/iTunes, Barnes and Noble NOOK and KOBO!.
#Book of Fantasies RED
#Chapter #10 #excerpt
"Her eyes burn with passion and her hand cups my groin. I jerk in response, my breath hissing between my tips. My cock jumps to full attention and she stares deeply into my eyes as she palms my groin, weighing my bulge in her hand.
The waiter returns and I try to straighten up, but she keeps the closeness between us and slides her hand to my thigh as the large dessert is placed in front of us. “We won’t be needing anything else for a while,” she says and the waiter nods and moves away." #sexy_booth_scene #passion -
#Chapter #10 #excerpt
"Her eyes burn with passion and her hand cups my groin. I jerk in response, my breath hissing between my tips. My cock jumps to full attention and she stares deeply into my eyes as she palms my groin, weighing my bulge in her hand.
The waiter returns and I try to straighten up, but she keeps the closeness between us and slides her hand to my thigh as the large dessert is placed in front of us. “We won’t be needing anything else for a while,” she says and the waiter nods and moves away." #sexy_booth_scene #passion -

To read more: you can find the print edition on Amazon, and the eBook formats on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble NOOK, Kindle and Apple iBooks!
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