#Book of Fantasies RED
#Chapter #28 #excerpt
"Before I could hit the pavement at a sprint, though, I was captured from behind, blindsided as my body was pushed against a dark entryway that led into the back of an abandoned building. I started to scream, until I saw Kevin’s face, inches from mine. I slapped his shoulder in frustration, my heart pounding. “You scared the shit out of me!”
In response, he ran his hand over my bare stomach, sending butterflies swirling through it and igniting a flame inside. He moved me out of the doorway and pushed me toward the shadow of the building, the darkest part of the alley...."
#Chapter #28 #excerpt
"Before I could hit the pavement at a sprint, though, I was captured from behind, blindsided as my body was pushed against a dark entryway that led into the back of an abandoned building. I started to scream, until I saw Kevin’s face, inches from mine. I slapped his shoulder in frustration, my heart pounding. “You scared the shit out of me!”
In response, he ran his hand over my bare stomach, sending butterflies swirling through it and igniting a flame inside. He moved me out of the doorway and pushed me toward the shadow of the building, the darkest part of the alley...."

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