Thursday, August 14, 2014

#YourLifeIsCalling #Health #Excerpt

#NEW #Book Your Life Is Calling: Put the LIFE back into your life!

Section II - Health #excerpt

"What did your inner voice say the last time you attempted to accomplish a goal but failed? I bet it sounded something like this: “I’ll give it my best, but this deadline’s awfully tight. Or maybe it said, “I can get this done. I know it’s going to be awful, dieting sucks, but I’ll just have to suck it up and do it.” Or maybe, “I doubt I can do this, I’ve never been able to in the past, but I know I should keep trying.” Really, with negative self-talk like this, how do you expect to accomplish anything? You’ve failed in your mind’s eye before you even started along the path toward accomplishing your goal...."
Photo: #NEW #Book Your Life Is Calling: Put the LIFE back into your life! 

Section II - Health #excerpt 


"What did your inner voice say the last time you attempted to accomplish a goal but failed? I bet it sounded something like this: “I’ll give it my best, but this deadline’s awfully tight. Or maybe it said, “I can get this done. I know it’s going to be awful, dieting sucks, but I’ll just have to suck it up and do it.” Or maybe, “I doubt I can do this, I’ve never been able to in the past, but I know I should keep trying.” Really, with negative self-talk like this, how do you expect to accomplish anything? You’ve failed in your mind’s eye before you even started along the path toward accomplishing your goal...." -
Want to read more?

Photo: Are you just going through the motions, feeling depressed, lost and defeated because nothing in your life is going right?

Maybe the days feel longer, your time feels like it isn't your own, or you're tumbling through a minefield of chaos and despair. Maybe you just want to cry.

There is more for you in this world. You possess the ability to create the life you dream of, to harness your time and energy and focus it into a beam of purpose. And this is a fact for EVERYONE. 

Join the millions of other people today who have put their LIFE back on the priority list. Unblock the negative energy that is causing your pain and be prepared for doors to open, pathways to be illuminated, and the truth of what you desire to come forth. Inside this book are the answers you seek.

For a short time only!

Your Life Is Calling

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Get it now! Your LIFE is calling! What are you waiting for?Paperback Amazon
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Barnes & Noble Paperback & NOOK
Also on Apple iBooks!

Get it now! Your LIFE is calling! What are you waiting for?

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