#Book of Fantasies BLACK
#Chapter #31 #excerpt
"Knowing he was ready to lose control, she stripped herself nude and laid down beside him - facedown. “I want you to ride me, Charlie. I want you to fuck me so hard that I’m screaming, and when you come, I want you so deep inside me that I can taste it.” She didn’t have to say anything else to encourage him; he was instantly rolling to mount her, shoving her legs apart so he could kneel between them...."
#Chapter #31 #excerpt
"Knowing he was ready to lose control, she stripped herself nude and laid down beside him - facedown. “I want you to ride me, Charlie. I want you to fuck me so hard that I’m screaming, and when you come, I want you so deep inside me that I can taste it.” She didn’t have to say anything else to encourage him; he was instantly rolling to mount her, shoving her legs apart so he could kneel between them...."

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