#Book of Fantasies BLACK
#Chapter #33 #excerpt
"When she didn’t respond, her eyes steely and full of defiance as she stared at him, he stalked into the dining room. Grabbing a stool, he brought it back and placed it in front of her. He pointed to the stool. “Take off your clothes, and bend over the stool. Grab the bottom rung and don’t get up.” Kara jerked at her clothes angrily. She hated Gene, and despite her outburst, he was the one in the wrong...not her. As ...she stripped naked, she decided to defend her actions..." #eroticbook
#Chapter #33 #excerpt
"When she didn’t respond, her eyes steely and full of defiance as she stared at him, he stalked into the dining room. Grabbing a stool, he brought it back and placed it in front of her. He pointed to the stool. “Take off your clothes, and bend over the stool. Grab the bottom rung and don’t get up.” Kara jerked at her clothes angrily. She hated Gene, and despite her outburst, he was the one in the wrong...not her. As ...she stripped naked, she decided to defend her actions..." #eroticbook

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