#Book of Fantasies WHITE
#Chapter #17 #excerpt
"As I swung open the door, I smiled in victory as his eyes slid from the toe ring on my bare feet up my smooth legs until they hovered at my breasts. I could see my nipples jutting through the silk fabric and how he licked his lips. His eyes filled with desire and I could see his thick package bulging against the seam of his pants. My clit shuddered at the reaction he was having for me, but instead of cupping his shaft, I took the clipboard from him and signed for my package."
#Chapter #17 #excerpt
"As I swung open the door, I smiled in victory as his eyes slid from the toe ring on my bare feet up my smooth legs until they hovered at my breasts. I could see my nipples jutting through the silk fabric and how he licked his lips. His eyes filled with desire and I could see his thick package bulging against the seam of his pants. My clit shuddered at the reaction he was having for me, but instead of cupping his shaft, I took the clipboard from him and signed for my package."
![Photo: #Book of Fantasies WHITE
#Chapter #17 #excerpt
"As I swung open the door, I smiled in victory as his eyes slid from the toe ring on my bare feet up my smooth legs until they hovered at my breasts. I could see my nipples jutting through the silk fabric and how he licked his lips. His eyes filled with desire and I could see his thick package bulging against the seam of his pants. My clit shuddered at the reaction he was having for me, but instead of cupping his shaft, I took the clipboard from him and signed for my package." - #eroticbook - http://bit.ly/1hCK2b2 - http://amzn.to/1ma4z7Y](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-9/p370x247/10340140_719258028116335_700600940872328579_n.jpg)
Want to read more? You can get #WHITE at the links here: Amazon , Kindle, and Smashwords. It is also available on Apple iBooks/iTunes, Barnes and Noble NOOK and KOBO!.
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