#Book of Fantasies BLACK
#Chapter #28 #excerpt
"Arden watched in the dim light that was beginning to break through the trees as he dropped the backpack on the ground, reached into it, and pulled out a length of rope. Her eyes widened as she watched him unwrap it from its coil. He stood up and taking both of her hands, wrapped the rope around her wrists, securing them tightly together. He eyed the knot and with a smile, he pushed her hands up over her head before walking around the tree with the rope and knotting it so her hands couldn’t move. Arden flexed her arms and tried to move but she was caught. It was both terrifying and arousing.
He reached for her shorts, unzipping them, and Braden moaned as he reached into her panties and ..." - #eroticbook
#Chapter #28 #excerpt
"Arden watched in the dim light that was beginning to break through the trees as he dropped the backpack on the ground, reached into it, and pulled out a length of rope. Her eyes widened as she watched him unwrap it from its coil. He stood up and taking both of her hands, wrapped the rope around her wrists, securing them tightly together. He eyed the knot and with a smile, he pushed her hands up over her head before walking around the tree with the rope and knotting it so her hands couldn’t move. Arden flexed her arms and tried to move but she was caught. It was both terrifying and arousing.
He reached for her shorts, unzipping them, and Braden moaned as he reached into her panties and ..." - #eroticbook

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