#NEW #Book Your Life Is Calling: Put the LIFE back into your life!
Section III - WEALTH #excerpt
"There are a lot of cosmic theories in this world. The one that RJ taught his mom about was the law of attraction. My definition of the Law of Attraction posits that our positive or negative energies attract positive or negative energies back to us.
Part of the Law of Attraction is giving and receiving. The Universe gives you back what you give others in return. Even when she couldn’t afford it, Nora started giving with a simple cup of coffee. She believed that her positive actions could benefit all involved and it did!..."
Section III - WEALTH #excerpt
"There are a lot of cosmic theories in this world. The one that RJ taught his mom about was the law of attraction. My definition of the Law of Attraction posits that our positive or negative energies attract positive or negative energies back to us.
Part of the Law of Attraction is giving and receiving. The Universe gives you back what you give others in return. Even when she couldn’t afford it, Nora started giving with a simple cup of coffee. She believed that her positive actions could benefit all involved and it did!..."

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