#Book of Fantasies BLACK
#Chapter #30 #excerpt
"Neal looked up from where he’d arranged the silverware and had to swallow his reaction. Riley stood in the dining room completely nude, except for a black leather flogger in her hand. He knew the toy; it was one of his favorites with the thick strands that thudded rather than stung, unless she threw them just so. He was getting hard just thinking about it, and he stepped back into the kitchen for a moment to adjust himself. Part of being a good submissive was self-control, and while it was okay to have an erection now, he was already far beyond hard.
But Riley had already noticed, and as he returned and placed the plates on the table, she cleared her throat. “Come here,” she demanded...."
#Chapter #30 #excerpt
"Neal looked up from where he’d arranged the silverware and had to swallow his reaction. Riley stood in the dining room completely nude, except for a black leather flogger in her hand. He knew the toy; it was one of his favorites with the thick strands that thudded rather than stung, unless she threw them just so. He was getting hard just thinking about it, and he stepped back into the kitchen for a moment to adjust himself. Part of being a good submissive was self-control, and while it was okay to have an erection now, he was already far beyond hard.
But Riley had already noticed, and as he returned and placed the plates on the table, she cleared her throat. “Come here,” she demanded...."

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