#NEW #Book Your Life Is Calling: Put the LIFE back into your life!
Section II - Health #excerpt
"They say, in order to recover from an addiction, you need to hit your personal bottom. Who is they, and why do we always tend to believe them? Okay, well, it did seem to be true for Jason. He couldn’t even stop eating when his marriage fell apart. It took a near-death experience for him to come to grips with the fact that he had a serious health issue that needed to be confronted in a serious way...
Get yourself a good support group (and counseling if you feel that is warranted). Find a healthy diet plan that will work for you. Throw away negative thoughts like, “One more won’t hurt me,” and replace them with positive thoughts."
Section II - Health #excerpt
"They say, in order to recover from an addiction, you need to hit your personal bottom. Who is they, and why do we always tend to believe them? Okay, well, it did seem to be true for Jason. He couldn’t even stop eating when his marriage fell apart. It took a near-death experience for him to come to grips with the fact that he had a serious health issue that needed to be confronted in a serious way...
Get yourself a good support group (and counseling if you feel that is warranted). Find a healthy diet plan that will work for you. Throw away negative thoughts like, “One more won’t hurt me,” and replace them with positive thoughts."
![Photo: #NEW #Book Your Life Is Calling: Put the LIFE back into your life!
Section II - Health #excerpt
"They say, in order to recover from an addiction, you need to hit your personal bottom. Who is they, and why do we always tend to believe them? Okay, well, it did seem to be true for Jason. He couldn’t even stop eating when his marriage fell apart. It took a near-death experience for him to come to grips with the fact that he had a serious health issue that needed to be confronted in a serious way...
Get yourself a good support group (and counseling if you feel that is warranted). Find a healthy diet plan that will work for you. Throw away negative thoughts like, “One more won’t hurt me,” and replace them with positive thoughts."
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