#Mystery #Suspense #Book #Teaser --> Hide in Plain Sight
"I panicked for a moment. It could be a setup, and if it wasn’t I’d be leaving all my equipment behind with no way to check up on any action on the cybercrime sites or anything else. But then I reminded myself that I needed to live just one day at a time and not think about what I could or couldn’t do tomorrow. Right now, even if it was a setup, my husband was inviting me on a romantic weekend away, somethin...g we hadn’t had in at least seven years....."
#Thriller #Cybercrime
"I panicked for a moment. It could be a setup, and if it wasn’t I’d be leaving all my equipment behind with no way to check up on any action on the cybercrime sites or anything else. But then I reminded myself that I needed to live just one day at a time and not think about what I could or couldn’t do tomorrow. Right now, even if it was a setup, my husband was inviting me on a romantic weekend away, somethin...g we hadn’t had in at least seven years....."
#Thriller #Cybercrime

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