#Mystery #Suspense #Book #Teaser --> Hide in Plain Sight
"I spent the next few evenings with my husband, rekindling a flame that had too long forgotten to smolder and burn. The sex was phenomenal, but the intimacy was better. I felt like we were kids again back in college. The children weighed on my mind, but it was nice to feel the weight of responsibility lifted from my shoulders for at least a few hours every night...."
#Thriller #Cybercrime
"I spent the next few evenings with my husband, rekindling a flame that had too long forgotten to smolder and burn. The sex was phenomenal, but the intimacy was better. I felt like we were kids again back in college. The children weighed on my mind, but it was nice to feel the weight of responsibility lifted from my shoulders for at least a few hours every night...."
#Thriller #Cybercrime

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