#Mystery #Suspense #Book #Teaser --> Hide in Plain Sight
"He wasn’t awake yet, terror filling his eyes as he stared at some image still forming in his mind as his gaze fell on the ceiling, and I put my face directly in that line of sight. “Corbin! You’re home, in your bed. It’s alright.” I brushed my hand over his hair, and slowly, he blinked away the fear and came back to the present.He looked at me in amazement, as if he hadn’t expected to find me here, and then... he rolled his head as if expecting to find himself somewhere other than in our bedroom. His breathing calmed a bit. “Christ!”...."
#Thriller #Cybercrime
"He wasn’t awake yet, terror filling his eyes as he stared at some image still forming in his mind as his gaze fell on the ceiling, and I put my face directly in that line of sight. “Corbin! You’re home, in your bed. It’s alright.” I brushed my hand over his hair, and slowly, he blinked away the fear and came back to the present.He looked at me in amazement, as if he hadn’t expected to find me here, and then... he rolled his head as if expecting to find himself somewhere other than in our bedroom. His breathing calmed a bit. “Christ!”...."
#Thriller #Cybercrime

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