#Mystery #Suspense #Book #Teaser --> Hide in Plain Sight
"And I loved my children and my adoptive parents, more than anything in this world. I would give my life to protect them. I would kill to protect them. And as much as it w...ould break my heart, that included Corbin. If he was a threat to any or all of those four people, I wouldn’t hesitate to remove him from the picture. At one time, I would have considered myself a sociopath for thinking like that, but it wasn’t an accurate description because I did feel love. I could love people. No, I wasn’t a sociopath. I was just cold and hard....."
#Thriller #Cybercrime
"And I loved my children and my adoptive parents, more than anything in this world. I would give my life to protect them. I would kill to protect them. And as much as it w...ould break my heart, that included Corbin. If he was a threat to any or all of those four people, I wouldn’t hesitate to remove him from the picture. At one time, I would have considered myself a sociopath for thinking like that, but it wasn’t an accurate description because I did feel love. I could love people. No, I wasn’t a sociopath. I was just cold and hard....."
#Thriller #Cybercrime

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