#Mystery #Suspense #Book #Teaser --> Hide in Plain Sight
"I ran downstairs to watch him pull out of the driveway, and then I started to rush back upstairs to the panic room, but I heard a phone buzzing. I glanced at the kitchen counter and realized it was Corbin’s phone. I was shocked he’d forgotten it; like me, he didn’t go anywhere without his phone. I walked over and saw that the call was from a ‘private’ number, and that suspicious shiver crawled down my spine........"
"I ran downstairs to watch him pull out of the driveway, and then I started to rush back upstairs to the panic room, but I heard a phone buzzing. I glanced at the kitchen counter and realized it was Corbin’s phone. I was shocked he’d forgotten it; like me, he didn’t go anywhere without his phone. I walked over and saw that the call was from a ‘private’ number, and that suspicious shiver crawled down my spine........"

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