Monday, February 16, 2015

Your Life is Calling - Review

#SelfHelp #Inspiration #Book Your Life Is Calling: Put the LIFE back into your life!

#Excerpt #Teaser


Visualize Your Future

"It is time to think about where you would like to be a year from now....
This could be an easy step to bypass, so I’m going to ask you to take it one step further. I want you to write a letter, dated with the target date that you have set to accomplish your goal. In this letter, you should write how happy you feel now that you’ve attained your goal. Describe what you look like, how you feel, what you are doing, your financial status and family life. Also, write all of the positive changes in your life that have occurred because you have accomplished this goal...."


Want to read more?

Amazon Paperback
Kindle Link
Barnes & Noble Paperback & NOOK
Also on Apple iBooks!

Get it now! Your LIFE is calling! What are you waiting for?

Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!

Just type Your Life is Calling by Kahla Kiker into your e-Reader's search box!

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