Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Book of Fantasies BLACK - The Massage Chair

Book of Fantasies BLACK
"Swallowing hard and trying to control her urge to jump up and ravage Talon, she did. Questions swirled in her head but before she could ask them, Talon pushed a button on the chair. The seat began to vibrate beneath her, and she gasped; the sensation making her instantly wet. The back of the chair brushed against her nipples making them hard and taut. The vibrations varied. First hard, then soft...fast, slow; Emma was breathless as s...he watched Talon play with the buttons, making the speed and intensity change.
Emma was rigid, even if she was enjoying herself; she fought to keep him from seeing it. He finally told her, “Let go, Emma. Pretend that it’s my mouth eating your delectable pussy. Think about how..."

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Just type in Book of Fantasies BLACK by K in your e-Reader's search box!

Also available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too

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