Monday, February 16, 2015

Hide in Plain Sight - Excerpt

#Mystery #Suspense #Book #Teaser --> Hide in Plain Sight


"My eyes were glued shut, and I had to force them open. I found myself still in complete blackness, and I struggled to figure out exactly what was going on as a sense of foreboding fell over me like a dark cloud. I took inventory of my body. Aside from the bindings and the bruised, aching wrists, the pain from which resonated up to my shoulders, I was seated upright, and I found no other damage.
Something he...avy rested on my head, and as I felt that something tight around my neck, I assessed that there must be a bag over my head..."

#Thriller #Cybercrime

 Want to read more?

Paperback Barnes & Noble and Barnes & Noble NOOK (eBook)
Kindle (eBook)
Smashwords (eBook)
Also on Apple iBooks!

Just type in Hide in Plain Sight by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box!

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