My Fav. #Quote
“Keep your negativity to yourself. After watching you poison your own life with your opinions, I would be foolish to let you do the same to mine.” ― Steve Maraboli
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
My Favorite Quotes
My Fav. #Quote
“Keep your negativity to yourself. After watching you poison your own life with your opinions, I would be foolish to let you do the same to mine.” ― Steve Maraboli — with Steve Maraboli.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Before You Die - Live
Before You Die – Live!
108 Inspirational Stories for People with #BucketLists
Juliet’s Wall
"The day my lawyer called me to tell me—“Bernie, the divorce is final”—I wept with double feelings: both joy and complete and utter sorrow. I supposed this strange, double passion was very European, laced with something ancient. Suddenly, I knew what I needed to do; I knew what I finally could do, on my own in this rushing world.
I flung myself to the airport, a brand new dress twirling around my ankles. I felt like an alien; I felt unlike myself. My heart was beating so fast, I was sure it would burst from my chest and start bleeding. The lady at the counter was dumbfounded when I rushed toward her, my bag tossing behind me, and said “One ticket to Rome. Preggo! Presto! Now, now, now!””
108 Inspirational Stories for People with #BucketLists
Juliet’s Wall
"The day my lawyer called me to tell me—“Bernie, the divorce is final”—I wept with double feelings: both joy and complete and utter sorrow. I supposed this strange, double passion was very European, laced with something ancient. Suddenly, I knew what I needed to do; I knew what I finally could do, on my own in this rushing world.
I flung myself to the airport, a brand new dress twirling around my ankles. I felt like an alien; I felt unlike myself. My heart was beating so fast, I was sure it would burst from my chest and start bleeding. The lady at the counter was dumbfounded when I rushed toward her, my bag tossing behind me, and said “One ticket to Rome. Preggo! Presto! Now, now, now!””
Monday, October 26, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015
Once Upon A Dream -Teaser
Once Upon A Dream: A Dark Cinderella Story
---> She was right. The car had barely pulled away from the hotel before his fingers tangled into her hair and he yanked her towards him. The seatbelt cut into her shoulder and belly. Her gasp of fear and pain was low, husky and she tried hard to fight back the tears but she’d been holding them back too long tonight. They washed down her face in little silver rivers, destroying her makeup and dripping off the point of her chin.
“Levin that hurts!”
“Levin that hurts.” His voice was a mocking whine that made her back curl and all of her muscles tighten. Her jaw clenched and she said, “Yes, it hurts. I’m your wife, why are you doing this? Don’t you know this is wrong? It’s abuse!”
“You have one really, really smart ass mouth.” The words came out softly, slowly. He might have been having a conversation with a child. “You know what is not all that smart? Do you Ella?” <---
---> She was right. The car had barely pulled away from the hotel before his fingers tangled into her hair and he yanked her towards him. The seatbelt cut into her shoulder and belly. Her gasp of fear and pain was low, husky and she tried hard to fight back the tears but she’d been holding them back too long tonight. They washed down her face in little silver rivers, destroying her makeup and dripping off the point of her chin.
“Levin that hurts!”
“Levin that hurts.” His voice was a mocking whine that made her back curl and all of her muscles tighten. Her jaw clenched and she said, “Yes, it hurts. I’m your wife, why are you doing this? Don’t you know this is wrong? It’s abuse!”
“You have one really, really smart ass mouth.” The words came out softly, slowly. He might have been having a conversation with a child. “You know what is not all that smart? Do you Ella?” <---
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
My Favorite Quotes
Monday, October 19, 2015
Before You Die Live -Teaser
Before You Die – Live!
108 Inspirational Stories for People with #BucketLists
Learn to Surf
"I remembered it so well: the moment the waves had overtaken me when I was a young girl. I’d been following my older sister out to play by the rocks on our Hawaii vacation, and then the waves had pushed me under. I’d tried to bring myself up, to reach for air; but another wave crashed against me and forced me down.
I inhaled the water then, thinking with a sense of panic, that I could take the oxygen from the pulsing waves. My lungs began their earnest constriction; they began to tighten, to force my panicked eyes closed.
The next thing I knew, I was on the beach. I was coughing up blood, water. Anything and everything. Snot ran down my nose, and I blinked up at the face of my sister and my father. They looked at me like I’d come back to life. And I suppose, in a way, I had.”
![Kahla Lamb Kiker's photo.]()
Amazon & Kindle:
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Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Before You Die Live by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box
108 Inspirational Stories for People with #BucketLists
Learn to Surf
"I remembered it so well: the moment the waves had overtaken me when I was a young girl. I’d been following my older sister out to play by the rocks on our Hawaii vacation, and then the waves had pushed me under. I’d tried to bring myself up, to reach for air; but another wave crashed against me and forced me down.
I inhaled the water then, thinking with a sense of panic, that I could take the oxygen from the pulsing waves. My lungs began their earnest constriction; they began to tighten, to force my panicked eyes closed.
The next thing I knew, I was on the beach. I was coughing up blood, water. Anything and everything. Snot ran down my nose, and I blinked up at the face of my sister and my father. They looked at me like I’d come back to life. And I suppose, in a way, I had.”
Before You Die – Live!
Amazon & Kindle:
Barnes & Noble: ...
Also on Apple iTunes/iBooks
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Before You Die Live by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box
Sunday, October 18, 2015
New Book!!!! - Find The Beautiful
As most of you know, my new book FIND THE BEAUTIFUL is coming out soon... I hope this book will give women everywhere the courage to find the beautiful in their own lives that are filled with the dreary routine and unshared responsibilities that suck the life right out of your soul.
From my heart to yours…
"Then, I work nine hours a day, barely taking the time to stretch and eat a vending machine sandwich with room temperature water for lunch. After work, I drive to pick the girls up from their after school tennis practice, hoping they didn’t have a match because then they run late. Finally, I pick Kale up from the daycare center across town that is two blocks from his school, and we ride together all the way back to our side of town, the kids often arguing about whose turn it is to sit in the front seat or teasing about one thing or another. We go home, and I make supper while I help with homework. Wes usually walks in the door right as dinner is served and then goes to ‘wind down’ from his day while I clean up afterward. I then proceed to get everyone showered and ready for bed as my clueless husband watches the news or riles the kids up so they have difficulty going to sleep. I maybe try to do some laundry if I have any energy left, and then I fall asleep only to wake up to do it all over again.....”
As most of you know, my new book FIND THE BEAUTIFUL is coming out soon... I hope this book will give women everywhere the courage to find the beautiful in their own lives that are filled with the dreary routine and unshared responsibilities that suck the life right out of your soul.
From my heart to yours…
"Then, I work nine hours a day, barely taking the time to stretch and eat a vending machine sandwich with room temperature water for lunch. After work, I drive to pick the girls up from their after school tennis practice, hoping they didn’t have a match because then they run late. Finally, I pick Kale up from the daycare center across town that is two blocks from his school, and we ride together all the way back to our side of town, the kids often arguing about whose turn it is to sit in the front seat or teasing about one thing or another. We go home, and I make supper while I help with homework. Wes usually walks in the door right as dinner is served and then goes to ‘wind down’ from his day while I clean up afterward. I then proceed to get everyone showered and ready for bed as my clueless husband watches the news or riles the kids up so they have difficulty going to sleep. I maybe try to do some laundry if I have any energy left, and then I fall asleep only to wake up to do it all over again.....”
Saturday, October 17, 2015
My Favorite Quotes
Friday, October 16, 2015
Your Life is Calling - Teaser
Your Life Is Calling: Put the LIFE back into your life!
“Very often this point in time, when you realize that you want your life to have more meaning, can be thought of as the “tombstone revision” moment in your life. Someday when all is said and done, do you want your tombstone to read: “Your name here – he always got the rent paid?” “Your name – she raised kids and helped her husband climb the corporate ladder?” “Your name – she helped a bank make money?” It’s not that any of these accomplishments aren’t worthwhile. It’s much better that you got the rent paid than if you hadn’t, it’s a wonderful achievement to successfully run a household, and good performance at your job brings us full circle – it’s an essential thing to do so you can pay the rent. But now you’re at that point in your life, like our banker, when you feel like you’re at a crossroad and you need to do something more...."
“Very often this point in time, when you realize that you want your life to have more meaning, can be thought of as the “tombstone revision” moment in your life. Someday when all is said and done, do you want your tombstone to read: “Your name here – he always got the rent paid?” “Your name – she raised kids and helped her husband climb the corporate ladder?” “Your name – she helped a bank make money?” It’s not that any of these accomplishments aren’t worthwhile. It’s much better that you got the rent paid than if you hadn’t, it’s a wonderful achievement to successfully run a household, and good performance at your job brings us full circle – it’s an essential thing to do so you can pay the rent. But now you’re at that point in your life, like our banker, when you feel like you’re at a crossroad and you need to do something more...."
Thursday, October 15, 2015
My Favorite Quotes
My Fav. #Quote "Confidence isn't walking into a room with your nose in the air, and thinking you are better than everyone else. It's walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone else in the first place."
heart emoticon #Confidence heart emoticon
heart emoticon #Confidence heart emoticon
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Midnight - Teaser
#ContemporaryRomance #OnSALE
---> MIDNIGHT <---
---> "Get over it old man. You shouldn't be looking", he chided himself. He was a grown man. A successful man. Why was he hoping to see some girl who snuck onto private property at nighttime to party with her friends? Because she was different, and the words for her, just would not come to him. Nothing fit. He could describe her, but not capture her.... He could not write her. That was the sexiest thing about her, and why he could not stop thinking about her. Feeling lonely, he finished the wine and went to bed, ignoring the laptop that sat waiting for him to return.
Roger slept late after a night of tossing and turning. Maybe it was his creative mind spinning a nonstop melodrama of betrayal and divorce. Maybe it was the craving for someone to interest and inspire him. Or maybe it was just too much wine....<---
---> MIDNIGHT <---
---> "Get over it old man. You shouldn't be looking", he chided himself. He was a grown man. A successful man. Why was he hoping to see some girl who snuck onto private property at nighttime to party with her friends? Because she was different, and the words for her, just would not come to him. Nothing fit. He could describe her, but not capture her.... He could not write her. That was the sexiest thing about her, and why he could not stop thinking about her. Feeling lonely, he finished the wine and went to bed, ignoring the laptop that sat waiting for him to return.
Roger slept late after a night of tossing and turning. Maybe it was his creative mind spinning a nonstop melodrama of betrayal and divorce. Maybe it was the craving for someone to interest and inspire him. Or maybe it was just too much wine....<---
Read more here:
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Midnight by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box
Just type in Midnight by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
My Favorite Quotes
My Fav. #Quote "Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed how much more life she had time for."
Monday, October 12, 2015
Book of Fantasies WHITE - The Nurse
#Kinky #BookExcerpt
Book of Fantasies WHITE
"As she moved the stethoscope around on my chest, I felt a stirring in my groin. It was erotic as hell and I answered her questions as best as I could. Most of my energy was going towards not getting a hard-on while she was working. Even still, I could swear that her fingers were lingering too long on my body and she kept returning to my chest to check my heart. I groaned softly as the soft smell of her lavender perfume wafted to me, but she ignored me."

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Also on Apple iBooks!
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Book of Fantasies WHITE by K in your e-Reader's search box
Book of Fantasies WHITE
"As she moved the stethoscope around on my chest, I felt a stirring in my groin. It was erotic as hell and I answered her questions as best as I could. Most of my energy was going towards not getting a hard-on while she was working. Even still, I could swear that her fingers were lingering too long on my body and she kept returning to my chest to check my heart. I groaned softly as the soft smell of her lavender perfume wafted to me, but she ignored me."
Want to read more?

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Barnes & Noble Nook
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Also on Apple iBooks!
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Book of Fantasies WHITE by K in your e-Reader's search box
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Hide In Plain Sight -Teaser
#Mystery #Suspense #BookTeaser
--> Hide in Plain Sight <--
"The sexual undertone of the conversation put a crooked smile on his face, and he grew cocky. “Is that so? Maybe I should have left you here alone, feeling ill. That way, you’d be craving all that sausage when I got home. There’s plenty of it to relieve your hunger.” He bent down, placing his lips right beside my ear, and the tickle of his breath over my skin as he whispered sent shivers down my spine. “I would love to stuff you right now, but there is not enough time to see that get your fill.”..."
#Thriller #Cybercrime

--> Hide in Plain Sight <--
"The sexual undertone of the conversation put a crooked smile on his face, and he grew cocky. “Is that so? Maybe I should have left you here alone, feeling ill. That way, you’d be craving all that sausage when I got home. There’s plenty of it to relieve your hunger.” He bent down, placing his lips right beside my ear, and the tickle of his breath over my skin as he whispered sent shivers down my spine. “I would love to stuff you right now, but there is not enough time to see that get your fill.”..."
#Thriller #Cybercrime
Want to read more?
Paperback Amazon
Paperback Barnes & Noble and Barnes & Noble NOOK (eBook)
Kindle (eBook)
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Also on Apple iBooks!
Just type in Hide in Plain Sight by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box!
Paperback Barnes & Noble and Barnes & Noble NOOK (eBook)
Kindle (eBook)
KOBOSmashwords (eBook)
Also on Apple iBooks!
Just type in Hide in Plain Sight by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Book Of Fantasies BLACK - The Zipper
Book of Fantasies BLACK
"Jeff frowned but shrugged and reached to squeeze her breast. She moaned and told him, “Why don’t you kiss along the top edge of the bra, and maybe I’ll even let you take it off?” Liking the sound of that because he really wanted to move forward, he followed her directions; kissing and licking at her behest. Of course, it was almost painfully frustrating to hold back when he wanted her so badly.
For Ivy, it was heaven, and the arousal began to build low in her stomach. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she was soaking wet and ready to go. She guided Jeff to her stomach, where he took over, tickling with his fingers and making a sensual exploration with his lips and tongue. She arched her back, asking for more as he finally removed her bra. He clasped his mouth over her nipple, suckling at them with intensity that shot lightning bolts straight through her....."
#EroticBook #Erotica

Paperback Amazon
Paperback Barnes & Noble and Barnes & Noble NOOK (eBook)
Kindle (eBook)
Smashwords (eBook)
Also on Apple iBooks!
Just type in Book of Fantasies BLACK by K in your e-Reader's search box!
Also available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too
"Jeff frowned but shrugged and reached to squeeze her breast. She moaned and told him, “Why don’t you kiss along the top edge of the bra, and maybe I’ll even let you take it off?” Liking the sound of that because he really wanted to move forward, he followed her directions; kissing and licking at her behest. Of course, it was almost painfully frustrating to hold back when he wanted her so badly.
For Ivy, it was heaven, and the arousal began to build low in her stomach. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she was soaking wet and ready to go. She guided Jeff to her stomach, where he took over, tickling with his fingers and making a sensual exploration with his lips and tongue. She arched her back, asking for more as he finally removed her bra. He clasped his mouth over her nipple, suckling at them with intensity that shot lightning bolts straight through her....."
#EroticBook #Erotica
Want to read more?

Paperback Amazon
Paperback Barnes & Noble and Barnes & Noble NOOK (eBook)
Kindle (eBook)
Smashwords (eBook)
Also on Apple iBooks!
Just type in Book of Fantasies BLACK by K in your e-Reader's search box!
Also available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too
Friday, October 9, 2015
My Favorite Quotes
My Fav. #Quote "Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Before You Die - Teaser
Before You Die – Live!
108 Inspirational Stories for People with #BucketLists
Wish in the Trevi Fountain
"When I passed by the sign for it, I veered right—toward the Trevi fountain. I started leafing through my pockets, remembering my wife’s comments on this place. How we could sit by the water and kiss together, she’d stated in her convincing; how we could send a penny into i...ts waters and allow our wish to emanate to the Roman stars. But we had divorced only the previous year, and we had never made it to the Trevi fountain. In fact, this had been my first time to the Italian world. And, I had to admit, it was truly all that my wife had dreamed of. And so much more.”
108 Inspirational Stories for People with #BucketLists
Wish in the Trevi Fountain
"When I passed by the sign for it, I veered right—toward the Trevi fountain. I started leafing through my pockets, remembering my wife’s comments on this place. How we could sit by the water and kiss together, she’d stated in her convincing; how we could send a penny into i...ts waters and allow our wish to emanate to the Roman stars. But we had divorced only the previous year, and we had never made it to the Trevi fountain. In fact, this had been my first time to the Italian world. And, I had to admit, it was truly all that my wife had dreamed of. And so much more.”
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Book Of Fantasies WHITE - The Masseuse
#Kinky #BookExcerpt
Book of Fantasies WHITE
"Hot liquid slid down my back and then her hands started kneading and massaging my back. I groaned at the pleasure that she was spreading through my muscles and she moved down my back slowly until she reached my hips. Then she rubbed her hands down my thighs and calves. Finally, her hands began rubbing my ass and I felt a twinge in my cock at how wonderful her hands felt.
The massaging seemed to last forever as sh...e made her way back up to my back and down each of my legs again."

Paperback Amazon
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Barnes & Noble Nook
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Also on Apple iBooks!
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Book of Fantasies WHITE by K in your e-Reader's search box
Book of Fantasies WHITE
"Hot liquid slid down my back and then her hands started kneading and massaging my back. I groaned at the pleasure that she was spreading through my muscles and she moved down my back slowly until she reached my hips. Then she rubbed her hands down my thighs and calves. Finally, her hands began rubbing my ass and I felt a twinge in my cock at how wonderful her hands felt.
The massaging seemed to last forever as sh...e made her way back up to my back and down each of my legs again."
Want to read more?

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Also on Apple iBooks!
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Book of Fantasies WHITE by K in your e-Reader's search box
Monday, October 5, 2015
My Favorite Quotes
My Fav. #Quote
“It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.” ― Hugh Laurie
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Book of Fantasies BLACK - The Wedge
Book of Fantasies BLACK
"Reaching under his bed while he still straddled the Australian, Kip came back up with a wedge, lifting Murray’s unbelievably nice ass off the bed and sliding it beneath him. He’d learned long ago that the device did wonders for comfort and accessibility for both parties. He reached into his nightstand and pulled out a lubricant, rubbing himself down with it while... Murray watched him ministering to himself. It made Kip’s cock throb to see the needy look on Murray’s face, and he wasted no time kneeling between Murray’s legs...."
"Reaching under his bed while he still straddled the Australian, Kip came back up with a wedge, lifting Murray’s unbelievably nice ass off the bed and sliding it beneath him. He’d learned long ago that the device did wonders for comfort and accessibility for both parties. He reached into his nightstand and pulled out a lubricant, rubbing himself down with it while... Murray watched him ministering to himself. It made Kip’s cock throb to see the needy look on Murray’s face, and he wasted no time kneeling between Murray’s legs...."
Want to read more?

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Paperback Barnes & Noble and Barnes & Noble NOOK (eBook)
Kindle (eBook)
Smashwords (eBook)
Also on Apple iBooks!
Just type in Book of Fantasies BLACK by K in your e-Reader's search box!
Also available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Midnight - Teaser
#ContemporaryRomance #OnSALE
---> MIDNIGHT <---
---> He closed his eyes and lay there, letting his mind drift and before he realized it, he was thinking about her. Not Barb. No, for the first time in a year, Barb was not the first thought in his mind. It was her...Tessa.
She was as he first saw her. Standing there, confident and playful with her hands on her hips and head tilted just a little to t...he side. She had a beautiful smile—one of those smiles where her eyes, enchanting green eyes, light up too. The effect brought to mind the color of a Scottish hillside as the dawn crests the top and shows a world that is a brilliantly shining, rich green—simply breathtaking.
He couldn't stop himself from wondering where she was right now and what she might be doing. Roger was hard. So with the day having begun without him, he lay in bed and allowed his hand to...<---
---> MIDNIGHT <---
---> He closed his eyes and lay there, letting his mind drift and before he realized it, he was thinking about her. Not Barb. No, for the first time in a year, Barb was not the first thought in his mind. It was her...Tessa.
She was as he first saw her. Standing there, confident and playful with her hands on her hips and head tilted just a little to t...he side. She had a beautiful smile—one of those smiles where her eyes, enchanting green eyes, light up too. The effect brought to mind the color of a Scottish hillside as the dawn crests the top and shows a world that is a brilliantly shining, rich green—simply breathtaking.
He couldn't stop himself from wondering where she was right now and what she might be doing. Roger was hard. So with the day having begun without him, he lay in bed and allowed his hand to...<---
Read more here:
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Midnight by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box
Just type in Midnight by Kahla Kiker in your e-Reader's search box
Friday, October 2, 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Book of Fantasies WHITE - The High School Sweetheart
#Kinky #BookExcerpt
Book of Fantasies WHITE
"Sweeping my hands down her back, I squeeze her ass and pull her up onto me. She straddles my waist and begins grinding her hot center against my bulge. Her bandage dress rides up high and I can feel that her ass is bare. I glance down between us and see that she is wearing a thong. “You came prepared,” I purr.
“Always,” she mu...rmurs as she nips at my jaw and then runs her tongue along my neck. When she reaches my ear, she bites down gently and I almost come at the feel of her mouth."
Book of Fantasies WHITE
"Sweeping my hands down her back, I squeeze her ass and pull her up onto me. She straddles my waist and begins grinding her hot center against my bulge. Her bandage dress rides up high and I can feel that her ass is bare. I glance down between us and see that she is wearing a thong. “You came prepared,” I purr.
“Always,” she mu...rmurs as she nips at my jaw and then runs her tongue along my neck. When she reaches my ear, she bites down gently and I almost come at the feel of her mouth."
Want to read more?

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Kindle Link
Also on Apple iBooks!
Available in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom too!
Just type in Book of Fantasies WHITE by K in your e-Reader's search box
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